
Glenn Miller 1 (High School Playground 1)

Tomislav Gotovac Glenn Miller I. (Srednjoškolsko igralište I.), HR, 1977, 45', 16 mm

Glenn Miller 1 (High School Playground 1) represents the pinnacle of Gotovac’s structural oeuvre, begun in the early 1960s. Like then, the starting point of the film was a preselected method, a conceptual inspiration – Glenn Miller’s unique sound, spiritual source – American cinema, and the most important performance ally – a device called ‘Pan mudri’, attached to a camera fixed on a car in a continuous circling around the track and field of a high school playground in Zagreb. While parallel headlights and vertical panning register the surrounding urban environment and boys on speeding bicycles, the soundtrack of Ford’s My Darling Clementine (1946) reminisces of some other cinematic riders and helps create a unique spiritual journey. I.L. Galeta was behind the wheel. (Diana Nenadić)

Fri 28/9 Kino SC 16:00