
E N T A N G L E M E N T S 2.0 : EXHALE

Branimir Štivić ZAVRZLAME2.0 : IZDAH, HR, 2021, 20', audiovizualni performans

This research is based on using archaic machines and digital computers to combine best of both worlds. Artist is using old technology to repurpose it and play it in a way that is not imagined to be used. Like a lot of military technology that was used by pioneers of video art in the past. It is perfect E N T A N G L E M E N T between old and new, sound and video, human and machine. Sound is directly connected to a video synthesis on a CRT monitor and what you hear is what you see.

Sat 25/9 Kino SC 22:30
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  • Spheres etc. Hrvoje Radnić Sfere itd., HR, 2021, 20', audiovizualni performans